Friday, May 10, 2013

Same Old

I just went on my blog for the first time since I wrote it.  Some of you wanted an update as to how I am feeling.  Unfortunately, I am still the same, so dizzy I can hardly walk without my walker.  I will likely get back to blogging when this dizziness goes away.  Thanks for your interest.


  1. Oh dear Darlene. I wonder if some of your medication causes your dizziness or perhaps a combination of medication. I sure hope that your doctor can diagnose the problem... This is not good as it's difficult to get around if your dizzy and you could have a serious fall.

    Don't worry about the blog. I wish you well and will keep you in my prayers.

  2. So so sorry to hear you are struggling with that dizzy stuff. I have to admit though I got very excited when I saw that you had posted something. I wonder what in the world is causing that. I had a friend who spent about 3 weeks on her couch recently with the same thing...but finally she is better and flew off to Ohio. So I hope you get over this soon too!

  3. My Mom had vertigo and still will get a few bouts of dizziness. I hope they can figure out what's going on. I'm sure you've probably had all the tests...ear problems or whatever. Just be careful and I'm glad you were able to post. Have a wonderful Mother's Day and I'll keep you in my prayers. Love ya!

  4. Take care of yourself. Wanted to share, Swedish pancakes have become a weekend tradition in our house. Thank you.

  5. Love you, Mom. Looking forward to seeing you in a few days!


  6. So glad to see you posted again, but can understand that you need to look after your health - it is a relief to find that you have this update, as I admit I had been concerned.
    Please take care Darlene. It would be horrible being the kind of dizzy you've described. Years ago, I had a small bout of vertigo for only a couple of days and that was bad enough. Hope you feel stronger soon. xx

  7. I have been very worried about you so I am so glad to find out how you are. I was of course hoping you were feeling better. Being dizzy is a very hard thing to deal with. I do hope you get to feeling better soon.
    You will continue to be in my prayers and I will have your name on the Prayer Roll. Every once in a while keep us updated.
    Blessings, love and hugs to you!

  8. I do miss you and of course your posts. Mostly, I just pray you will get well soon. I think being dizzy is really difficult to deal with. You are always in my prayers.
    Blessings and hugs to you!

  9. This is just to let you know that I'm thinking about you and I hope that you are feeling better.
    I do miss you on blogger but I understand.
    Sending you some hugs and prayers across the miles.

    Don't worry about responding, just concentrate on getting well again.

  10. I am so glad to see your update. Thank you for posting. I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling any better. I will send all the good ju ju your way and hopefully you will be feeling better soon.

    Please visit My Website: Split Site PhD

  11. I check in now and then, hoping you are O.k. Darelene. It has been a while - and my thoughts are with you. Hopefully you are just resting up and taking care of yourself. Much love.

  12. Hi Darlene. I had a visit with Sue down at the beach last night. I was sorry you weren't still there, but Sue gave me the update that you're doing much better. I was sorry to hear that Dick had a fall. Is he feeling OK? I miss your posts, but I can keep up with you through Sue. Sending you a big {{HUG}}

  13. Such a long time since we BOTH have blogged. My health keeps me from doing much more than work so I understand. Please know that you are missed. Hope things are getting better for you...:-). Donna
